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Thank you so much for supporting small businesses and purchasing the Hidden Talent Winter Break Watercolor Class 4 Pack!
Each lesson starts with art history related to the artist who inspired our project. Students will learn about Georgia O’Keefe, Georges Seurat, Ansel Adams, and Jackson Pollock.
Materials needed:
- Georgia O’Keefe: Watercolor Set with Brush, Black Pen or marker, cup of water, paper towel, and watercolor paper
- Jackson Pollock: Watercolor Set with Brush, Oil Pastels or Crayons, cup of water, paper towel, and watercolor paper
- Ansel Adams: Watercolor Set with Brush, Pencil/eraser, Cup of water, paper towel, and watercolor paper
- Georges Seurat: Watercolor Set, pencil/eraser, several Q-tips, cup of water, paper towel, and watercolor paper.